Well it’s been a while and lots of action going on here at the lovely YMCA of West Bromwich. Where do I even begin? Well first things first, my group of residents, who I have been diligently working with to help empower, teach independence, and all in all try to do some positive self building, sort of blew up in my face. Let’s just say, (tongue in cheek) that this group of about eight residents, learned the lessons well and interpreted them in their own special way. They learned how to support each other, practice loyalty, be independent, and were def feeling empowered….maybe a little too empowered. This group of mainly girls, who were barely friends before, seemed to take the leadership business to heart, and in a way created a very intimidating gang at the YMCA Housing Project, and were being supported innocently enough by none other than yours truly. Oops! I guess next time I should remind them to use their power for good not evil “make love, not war”.
The story starts with an Ice Skating trip. It all seemed innocent enough, the residents came together, planned an activity and off we went. The only problem with Ice Skating is, people can get hurt, and of course one of them did. This created the bond between them, because they were positive that this boy in the pink shirt had pushed one of the female residents, ending in a fun trip for us all in an ambulance. It was like the Domino effect. This happened on Sunday, and things just got worse from there. The team leader of the RAP's (Residents Activities Panel) name popped up everywhere, and was constantly being associated with trouble. Next thing we know fences had been broken, alcohol was being misused (maybe even some pills/drugs), rooms had been trashed, people were arrested, and eventually about eight or so of my great RAP group, had been unceremoniously kicked out.
What was worse, is we had big plans for this group. They were supposed to help with World AIDS Day, bring awareness to the problems in Honduras, work on LPA Qualifications. Where did we go wrong? Did I do that? And then I remembered the word choices. We all make choices, and for some reason they felt powerful, invincible even (empowered oops!?), rules no longer applied to them! And as hard as it was to know that some of the residents who I worked so closely with were sleeping in a phone booth in front of the Y, I knew I had to uphold my supervisor’s position. They really had gone too far. I haven’t had a chance yet to ask them why, but I will. For some reason, they still feel like they can trust me, and speak to me when they see me. And I guess that even if things weren’t quite right, at least I did succeed in building relationships. Will they figure out they brought this on upon themselves? Leadership and bullying are not synonymous.
But all is not lost. Tuesday night RAP was scheduled to meet and Julian and I thought that for sure no one would turn up, but lo and behold there were five fresh new residents ready to plan activities; they were a bit older with different interests, but eager to be involved. Life goes on at the Y.
On World AIDS Day, December 1, 2006 (the residents had been
kicked out the night before), the residents were supposed to release balloons, with prayer requests on them. Obviously this couldn’t happen as planned, as they no longer were allowed on YMCA property. I had to be creative and find a solution, this was too important a day not to participate and we had all the materials. Fortunately it dawned on our marketing director that there were many other people who also were a part of the YMCA community, so we involved staff, nursery children, and clients who use the gym. An awesome balloon launch was held outdoors to remember those who are dying or have died, those living with AIDS and those family and friends who are affected by AIDS. So all was not lost. There is a silver lining when you search for one and…..never a dull moment. Cheers!
What was worse, is we had big plans for this group. They were supposed to help with World AIDS Day, bring awareness to the problems in Honduras, work on LPA Qualifications. Where did we go wrong? Did I do that? And then I remembered the word choices. We all make choices, and for some reason they felt powerful, invincible even (empowered oops!?), rules no longer applied to them! And as hard as it was to know that some of the residents who I worked so closely with were sleeping in a phone booth in front of the Y, I knew I had to uphold my supervisor’s position. They really had gone too far. I haven’t had a chance yet to ask them why, but I will. For some reason, they still feel like they can trust me, and speak to me when they see me. And I guess that even if things weren’t quite right, at least I did succeed in building relationships. Will they figure out they brought this on upon themselves? Leadership and bullying are not synonymous.
But all is not lost. Tuesday night RAP was scheduled to meet and Julian and I thought that for sure no one would turn up, but lo and behold there were five fresh new residents ready to plan activities; they were a bit older with different interests, but eager to be involved. Life goes on at the Y.
On World AIDS Day, December 1, 2006 (the residents had been
Sort of like you can take a horse to the water but can't make him drink. Teaching anything can sometimes have unpredictable results. It is about making choices, perhaps we all learn from each other and hope for one more chance.... ym
Hi monisha,
I just came across this and thought I would drop you a line.
I am, not even sure if this will get to you but what the heck.
I trust you are well and settled back into real living in the biggest and the best country haha.
Missing youi already.
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