Well I have been living in West Brom for one month today, in England for a bit (month) and some change, and have been away from home for a month and a half almost. And I feel like I have already learned so much, new words, new flat, new mates, and its only been a month. Gosh I can only imagine what a year will bring me. Well here are some of the things I have learned and experienced so far.
I have had more tea in the past month than I think I have had in my whole life. Lets face it a cuppa tea really does make everything better!
You have breakfast, then tea, then dinner, then tea (which is tea with a snack), and then some people have supper.
Having an American accent in the Midlands is cool - Even if people do compare you to the girls from the movie Clueless (hmmm I feel like I have heard that before...)Birmingham has a huge music scene, and the art festival was one of the coolest things I have gone to as yet. I really might enjoy this whole British Indy Rock scene.
Learned how to play net ball (basket ball without the dribbling)
Attempted to get into Football- Go West Bromwich Albions?
Learned how to cook a bit (I am not ready for Iron Chef, but hey I might make someone a good wife after all)
It is hard to make friends in a new country, but that doesn’t mean one, should give up trying.
British Soap Operas can really hook you, my favourites are Hollyoaks, Emmberdale, and of course East Enders (hey it’s no Grey's Anatomy, but it def grabs your attention)
City Centre Birmingham is a lot of fun to hang out in, whether you want to chill at the park, or go to the clubs, go shopping or walk along the canal.
I can do things by myself....
And here are a slew of new words that I have learned....
Mobile-cell phone
Jumper- sweater
Blokes- guys
Mates- friends
Ta- thank you
Ta ra- good bye or see you later
Telly- TV
Snog- kiss or make out
Cuddle- hug
Crisps- chips
Chips- French fries
Motorway- highway
Cinema or Pictures- Movies
Cheers - thank you, good bye, pretty much you can use it whenever
Car Park- Parking lot
Take Away- Take Out
Petrol Station- Gas Station

What's up Monisha, I read your blog today, about tea and
Enlishpeak - same language but a different way of using the language. As usual I don't have much to say, but take care of your self and I do enjoy reading about your experiences in England. You have a very entertaining writing style. Stay cool, love ya,Baba
YAY Hollyoaks!! I watch it too! gotta love Brittish TV! haha. So funny that you do too! I missed it the end of last week, you'll have to catch me up! cheers love!
Very nicely written, and thanks for the map too! I was having the hardest time envisioning your location...you know how us simple-minded southern folk are, as you would say, S-L-O-W ;-) hahaha
It sounds like you're beginning to settle in quite well, and I'm happy that you're taking this experience by-the-horns. I can only imagine how difficult and strange, but at the same time refreshing, this adventure as been thus far. And just as you have throughout your time here in the States, I'm sure you'll touch many lives, and spread an abundance of love and compassion over there. I wish you the best, and will be anxiously awaiting updates. God speed, and God bless!!
Love ya,
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