Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hello, Goodbye

When you're so far away from home you learn a lot about freindships, and honestly this is a blog I should have written forever ago. But hey better late than never. I would say the last month has been a bit hard, with the holidays coming and going, missing my friends from home, enjoying the new relationships I am building while being abroad, and saying good bye to some freinds who were along on this journey.

Good Bye
And to be honest saying good bye was one of the hardest things ever, even though its not a good bye was a good bye to friends who have been my support system here in the UK and in other countries, who due to some unfortunate circumstancse had to return home to the States. Even though I haven't seen some of them since we got on a plane in Chicago, missing them didn't change. Either way, life was easier knowing that they have been there for me, and hopefully I have been there for them too, and this bond is one that will remain unbreakable.

So here is to my mean girls who have helped me on this journey! Hello to the ones who are still out there, and good bye to the ones who have
gone back to the States.


Now to be honest this journey has been about a lot of goodbyes, but a lot of hellos too! I mean lets be honest, that's what happens when you make a decsion to move across over the pond, or anywhere else for that matter. And another amazing thing that has happend is being able to reunite with old friends here in the UK. I mean its a bit of a shame that it took coming to England or Scotland to finally rekindle old frienships. But its been awesome hanging out with people who knew me since birth almost, or in other cases since middles school, and realizing we still have much in common, and that we can now pursue, what my mom would call an adult frienship.

So here's to Anna and Maita for growing up
together, and renewing our friendships!

Hello, Goodbye

And now all those friends at home who have made trips to see me, plan on making trips, sent millions of emails, and of course rang me. The old friends who have now stood the test of time and distance. Thanks! I am not sure I say it enough, but here's to the best mates a girl could ever ask for.

Now of course, I have made some new friends since I have been here too, who are a part of living and working in the UK and West Bromwich, and those relationships are blossoming everyday. So who knows there could be a blog in the future dedicated to all my new mates in the UK. (Only if you're lucky...or should I say unlucky).

Sorry guys this blog was for the ladies. To friends old and new..... cheers :-)


Anonymous said...

Keep the old and cherih the new. Count the blessings of being loved. Have an awesome '007.
YesI've been outed, am a Bond groupie!

Julia said...

I'm not gonna lie, I had just had a litre of beer before I got your email and read your blog, so I probably was a bit more sentimental about it than I should have been.... but I know what you're saying. It's been really hard losing 2 of the mean girls this month, and even though they are still there for support, it's just not quite the same.... but I still love you and them as well, and I know we can keep the mean girls in tact!! I'm glad to hear you're still livin it up in England and WE HAVE MADE IT (almost) 1/2 way!! (stupid email from presgov was wrong, but whatever- we've still made it a long time!)